Thursday, March 22, 2018

2018 - 2019 Curriculum Plan

I've been putting off doing this yearly blog because life has thrown us a couple curve balls in the last couple weeks. While all our material for next school year has either been delivered or is expected in the next few days, exactly how I am going to use it may be changing. While there are going to be some significant changes in our school, I'm pretty certain the materials we will be using will be staying the same. They are bought and paid for! Our biggest change is moving from Tapestry of Grace, to single-spine History and a Great Books approach to literature.

10th Grade:
     Monarch (Alpha Omega Publisher) - this has been a success this year so she will be continuing with it. She will be taking:
  • 10 Grade English
  • World History
  • Algebra I
  • British Literature (we discovered Monarch's english courses are grossly deficient in literature. They focus on grammar and writing, so we are adding in a literature elective to fill out the curriculum.)
  • Spanish 2 - this is still up in the air, depending on where we are living. She needs a live class, but with our school location not certain, we do not yet know what will be available to us.
  • Biology
   Culinary Arts - we are looking into some on-line options, but hoping our new location will provide opportunities for either an apprenticeship or in-class instruction.

9th Grade

  • Ancient History - History of the Ancient World by Dr Susan Wise Bauer with the student study guide. This will be combined with Literature for cross-subject integration. 
  • Biology - Biology for the Rhetoric Stage (Elemental Science)  
  • Great Books: Ancient Literature - this is a course I've designed based on Great Books lists from "The Well Trained Mind", Mortimer Adler, Tapestry of Grace, and "Timeline of the Classics". This self-paced course will take her through researching the history surrounding each piece, a biography of the author, placing each work into its historical and literary context, and simply learning to enjoy great pieces of literature. She will be covering many ancient authors and works from Gilgamesh, to Homer, to the Bible, Plutarch, Josephus, and Aristotle. We are including some Philosophy, some of which will begin to count toward a Philosophy credit she will earn through her 4 years of high school.
  • Rhetoric I - This will include both IEW's Advanced Communication and completing Analytical Grammar
  • Algebra I - Math U See: Algebra I
  • Reformed Theology - Pilgrim Theology
  • Koine Greek - her choice for her high school foreign language! I am thankful Dad is heading to shore duty, so he will be around to oversee this one. 
  • Trumpet Performance I - continuing trumpet lessons, either private or with a band depending on our location and available resources. 
  • Fine Arts - we are waiting to see where our school will be located, hoping to use local resources for drawing and painting instruction. 
7th Grade

  • Ancient History - Kingfisher History Encyclopedia; library resources; primary sources  I have gathered. I will explain in a separate blog how this is going to work. 
  • Ancient Literature - This is also a list of literature I have put together from the resources above, but on a middle school reading level. It includes not just Greek and Roman mythology, but Japanese, African, Chinese, and Indian mythology and a first introduction to Plato. (Yes, middle schoolers can read and understand Plato!) 
  • Analytical Grammar (see above for the link) - 2nd season
  • Spelling You See
  • Writing with Skill Level 1
  • Biology - Biology for the Logic Stage (Elemental Science)
  • Math  - as Math U See is self paced, exactly what course he will be taking will depend on how skills come. I anticipate he will complete Zeta, setting him up for pre-algebra in 8th grade. We are also adding in Beast Academy for enrichment and higher order thinking. 
  • Latin for Children C - this will complete his elementary Latin, preparing him to begin High School Latin in 8th grade. 
  • Bible - their Dad and I have put together a plan to read through the Bible along with our history studies. The goal is not just basic Biblical literacy, but learning to read Scripture within its historical and literary context and learning to see how each chapter and verse fit into Redemptive history, especially in its relation to the person and work of Christ. We are also going to work through the Westminster Shorter Catechism using Training Hearts, Teaching Minds
  • Clarinet 
  • Fine Arts - Artistic Pursuits: Middle School 
  • Logic - The Art of Argument
  • Vocabulary - Wordly Wise on-line
5th Grade -  based on age, not on content (as you will see) She is becoming my Classical Academic Press poster child. Their material teaches the way her brain works!

  • History, Literature, Science, Logic, Fine Arts, Spelling, Bible, and Vocabulary will be the same as 7th grade. Spelling and vocabulary will be at her level. 
  • Grammar - Well Ordered Language Level 3 (to be released this summer) We have been working through Level 2 this semester, and I am thrilled with this grammar program! It has been perfect for my logic loving child who needs to be challenged. (Classical Academic Press)
  • Writing - Writing and Rhetoric (Classical Academic Press)  I am starting her in Book 4, knowing we may make it through 5 and possibly 6 depending on her pace. 
  • Ancient Languages - our very highly motivated girl wants to tackle Koine Greek. Mom and Dad want her still taking Latin (for the english, grammar, and logic skills it teaches). So we are going to work through both at her pace. Latin for Children B and Greek for Children A (Classical Academic Press) It may take 2 years to get through each book, but we are very proud of her for wanting to take on this challenge! 
  • Math - Math U See Epsilon - fractions. She will also supplement with Beast Academy for enrichment. 
  • Piano (maybe violin depending on available resources)
2nd Grade - also based on her age, not skills or content.  Her curriculum levels vary from typical 2nd grade up through 4th.

  • Ancient History - Story of the World Vol 1, Story of the World Activity Book, library resources. 
  • Ancient History based Literature - the goal is to introduce her to ancient mythology and Homer. While I have a rough list based on the resources listed for my 9th grader, exactly what she will read will depend on her growing reading capabilities and interest. 
  • Completing the Explode the Code series (if she hasn't by the end of the current school year)
  • Spelling You See (see link above) 
  • Writing Through Ancient History Level 1 Manuscript - Charlotte Mason based writing
  • New American Cursive
  • First Language Lessons Level 2 (we have the older edition) Depending on her development and skill acquisition she may transition to Well-Ordered Language mid year. 
  • Life Sciences - she and I will be working through human anatomy, animals, and plants. DK First Human Body Encyclopedia and Usborne Animal Encyclopedia are her main spines. Exactly where it will go will depend on her interests. I've re-arranged a few things so we are working in conjunction with 7th and 5th grade. Plants is up in the air until I know where we will be living. Ideally, we will plant a garden and take a lot of nature walks. 
  • Math - She began Beta mid-way this school year (multiple digit addition and subtraction) so I anticipate she will move into Gamma (multiplication) sometime during the school year. She also will supplement with Beast Academy. 
  • Bible - she and I will work through a similar reading plan to the 5th and 7th graders, taking it a little slower and focusing on the character of God. She will also supplement with the What's in the Bible with Buck Denver series. Absolutely the best children's resource for biblical literacy (historical, literary and redemptive history) She will also work through the Westminster Shorter Catechism with us. 
  • Latin - Prima Latina
  • Piano
  • Fine Art - Artistic Pursuits Elementary School book 1 and The Story of the Orchestra
It looks like a lot written out like this, but it isn't as bad as it looks when you consider many subjects work together across grade levels, history, literature, and Bible are integrated, and most of my children can now work independently. Most of these programs can either be self-taught or come with dvd instruction. My primary job now is overseeing it all, evaluation, and helping as needed. I hope to soon explain how we will use many of these resources, especially history, literature, and Bible, since we are no longer following a pre-planned curriculum. I also hope to get into how I plan on recording and documenting all the work they are doing, progress they make, and transcripting high school.