Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Forgotten Laundry

Around here, Monday is laundry day. Since so much of my life consists of tasks that are never completed, I do all our laundry on one day. It gives me a sense, that at least once a week, I have finished something. So I begin the week washing, drying, folding 6 to 7 loads of laundry. The children are responsible for bringing their dirty clothes down to the laundry room and getting it sorted, I wash, dry and fold, then they each put their own clothes away. It is a system that works very well for us....most of the time. 

Last night was one of those rare nights where by the time the children were put to bed I had a sense of tired accomplishment. The kitchen was fully cleaned up, floors had been swept, table wiped down and school supplies all on shelves, and laundry done with most of it even put away. It felt good to have everything put together....until I went upstairs to put our two youngest to bed. They are still too little to bring their laundry basket downstairs, so either I or one of the older children do it for them, and then they sort it. I walked into their room, and sitting in the middle of the floor was an overflowing basket of dirty laundry. 
I had started bringing their laundry downstairs, was interrupted, put down the basket and forgot about it. 

So much for having everything cleaned up.

While staring at that forgotten load, I heard that "still small voice" tell me how much that load of laundry is like my life. I can think I have my life put together, cleaned up, but somewhere is lurking that forgotten "dirty load". Maybe it is a big load I just don't want to deal with - unjust anger, forgiveness  lust, jealousy.  It sits there in the middle of my heart, but it is easier for the time being to overlook it and put off dealing with it until later. I can even stick it in a corner to hide it from others for a period of time. I know I will have to deal with it eventually, but just don't want to now. 

Maybe it is a something smaller, a dirty sock under the bed, that isn't bothering anyone. No one knows it is there. It isn't hurting anyone to know its there and it may seem better that way. Maybe it is a lustful thought, a "little white lie" I told to protect someone's feelings, the extra change a cashier gave me that I failed to return. Maybe it is a dirty diaper shoved under the couch - a one-night stand, or forbidden kiss, I don't think anyone else will ever know about; that "one more drink" that is becoming 2, 3 or 4 on a regular basis; that website no one knows I enjoy visiting. 

The problem with all dirty laundry is eventually it begins to stink. It doesn't matter why it is there, what my intentions were or if anyone else can see it - eventually it will make itself known. It may slowly eat away at my relationship with God, my husband, my children or friends. It may jump out and demand immediate attention when I least expect it. It may not be revealed until I stand before God. There are a few things I do know for sure: all my hidden dirty laundry will one day air before everyone, I will be held accountable, and the longer it sits the harder it is to cover up and clean up.  Fortunately I know I have a Savior who has already cleaned it all. There is nothing too old or dirty or embarrassing that He will not wash and dry it until it is "white as snow".

So what is your dirty laundry? 

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