The 2014-2015 school year is our 9th year of this home education adventure; it is also a year of big changes for us. Later this fall the children and I will move several hundred miles, closer to family and friends, while our school principal (aka "Daddy") serves God and Country across the globe for the next year. We officially opened our high school this year with the promotion of the graduating class of 2018 to Rhetoric, 2 enrolled in Dialectic (middle school), 2 in Grammar (elementary) and a preschooler. Academically, this is a year of solidifying skills for all our students. Except for the preschooler, for the first time, everyone is reading and writing at the beginning of the school year!
The family and location changes, and the wide range of ages/abilities, prompted big curriculum changes for this year. Our "core" curriculum is now Tapestry of Grace - a Christian curriculum based on the 4 year classical cycle and pedagogy including social studies, literature, government, philosophy, church/biblical history, fine arts and language arts. (We chose not to use the language arts portion.) All the children now study the same topics at the same time with a lot of flexibility to customize assignments and skill-acquisition for each child. For me, the teacher's manual provides an overview of the history being studied each week, guides for leading Socratic discussions, and a wide variety of ideas of activities to incorporate into our studies each week. 5 weeks into it, and I could not be happier!
To coincide with our study of Ancient History, we are diving into the world of Biology this year. Well, most of us. The high schooler hits Chemistry this year, continuing with Science for High School - an inquiry based curriculum, with labs. Our Dialectic students are using Classiquest Science to guide their exploration of Biology. The Grammar students and I are piggy-backing off the topics the Dialectics dive into each week using a variety of Kingfisher, DK and Usborne encyclopedias with hand-on activities.
We are in our 9th year using Math U See, but adding in daily fact review and strengthening with Xtra Math. Most of the children are also daily working with flash cards, Math Wrap-ups and Turbo Twist Math to work on mastering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. Math U See has gained a reputation in some circles of being math-lite. After some testing with my children over the summer, and some research, I've come to the conclusion that it isn't the curriculum is light, but that it provides such a solid foundation in mathematical thinking and concepts, that even more advanced math become easy! All the bells, whistles, and cluttered worksheets are unnecessary when there is solid instruction and mastery. Now, our real test of the curriculum will come this and next year as our oldest confronts honors chemistry and physics!
Finally, our "preschool". The longer I do this, the more convinced I become that structured formal learning for preschoolers is a waste of time and money (and my degree is in Early Childhood Education). An environment rich in real language (not screens or digital media!), freedom to engage in open-ended play and varied experiences will do more to prepare a child for formal education than anything else. Our 3 year old asked to "do school" with us this year, so we have accommodated her request. She has a "school shelf" with a box of toys that develop shape, letter, number, sorting and sequencing skills. She has a binder in which to put her coloring pages and "writing". She loves to play in the room while I do read-alouds with the other children; she builds with the math manipulatives; the older children will read their assignments to her; she has playdough within easy reach (and she knows how to clean it up!). I have stocked alphabet coloring pages for her to color and decorate with crayons, markers, stickers, cheerios or whatever else I can find, and basic Kumon workbooks with easy mazes, tracing and cutting activities. She works on what she wants to, when she wants to. Right now her favorite activity is matching magnetic wooden letters to letters I have printed onto a whiteboard. We work together to put them away, naming letters and phonemes as we go. Frequently we have music on in the background during our school day to which she dances and sings. Full, well rounded preschool "curriculum" with very little expense, no stress and lots of fun!
As with any year's curriculum plan, we leave much room for changes. Already one child has switched spelling curriculum and another has changed Latin levels. But, that is the beauty of home education - the freedom to change as growing children change and develop individual strengths, weaknesses, and interests.
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